Kitchener Waterloo Internet Users Group
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"A Fun Place to Learn About the Internet"
Review & Support Information for
NetMeeting is:
A FREE Internet Phone client recently released by Microsoft. NetMeeting can be used for Internet phone calls, virtual meetings, document collaboration, customer service, tech support and distance learning. Easy to use, and extremely powerful, NetMeeting offers these features:
- Chat - text based, multi-user
- Whiteboard - drawing, text, "capture", copy graphics; multi-user
- Share Applications - very powerful... can shar your application with all connected users. Review, edit, all in real time. Users can take turns controlling application. Ideal for tech support and distance learning.
- File Transfers - send files to one, or all users in conference.
- Internet Phone - Point-to-Point Audio calls
- User Location Service - dynamic directory of users currently running NetMeeting; from web page or within the program
486/66 or higher (Pentium recommended)
8 MB RAM (16meg recommended)
Operating System:
LAN, ISDN, or 14,400 or higher modem connection (28.8 or
higher recommended)
Other Software:
To use the Audio Features of NetMeeting, you
also need:
Sound card, speakers and microphone
- Kelly's Review for KWIUG - Notes, Hints and Tips
- Microsoft NetMeeting Home Page
- Additional software available for NetMeeting
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